
허예은 15점… 여자 농구: KB, 준결승 첫 경기에서 하나원큐를 완파하다

허예은 15점… 여자 농구: KB, 준결승 첫 경기에서 하나원큐를 완파하다

박지수가 17득점 15리바운드로 득점 선두를 달리고 있습니다

여자 프로 농구팀 청주 KB가 강력한 승리로 첫 플레이오프 경기를 시작했습니다.

정규 리그 1위 KB는 부천 하나원큐를 쉽게 꺾었습니다,

정규 리그 4위, 우리은행 WON 2023-2024 여자프로농구 준결승 플레이오프 1차전에서 69-51로 승리 (5전 3승제)

9일 청주체육관에서 개최됩니다.

박지수는 17득점 15리바운드로 정규 시즌과 변함없는 기량을 선보였습니다, 허예은은 3점슛 3개를 포함해 15득점으로 KB의 공격에 활력을 불어넣었습니다. 핸디캡 베팅 전략

여자 프로 농구 역사에서,

플레이오프 1라운드에서 승리한 팀이 챔피언 결정전에 진출할 확률은 85.7%였습니다.

KB는 플레이오프 첫 8경기에서 승리하고 챔피언 결정전에 6번 진출했습니다.

두 번째 경기는 11일 같은 청주체육관에서 열릴 예정입니다.

KB는 이번 시즌 정규리그에서 6전 전승을 거두며 하나원큐에 압도적인 우위를 점했습니다,

하지만 장거리 포가 터지지 않아 어려움을 겪었습니다.

KB는 전반전에 3점슛 22개를 던져 단 한 개도 넣지 못했습니다.

하나원큐는 전반전에 KB를 23-24로 꺾고 선수들이 고르게 득점했습니다,

베테랑 김정은(15점)이 7점, 양인영(9점)이 5점을 기록한 가운데,

신지현(9점)이 4점을 기록했습니다.

KB는 3쿼터에 김예진과 허예은의 3점슛으로 경기를 주도하기 시작했습니다.

분기가 끝날 때까지 약 1분 정도 남았습니다, 강이슬과 김예진이 다시 3점슛을 성공시키며 KB의 리드를 49-35, 14점으로 늘렸습니다. 하나원큐는 46-56으로 10점 차로 뒤지며 역전 의지를 보였습니다, 김정은의 3점슛으로 4쿼터 종료 6분 31초 전. 가상축구 패턴

그러나 박지수는 이어진 공격에서 골을 넣은 후 추가 자유투로 응수했습니다,

그리고 KB는 그 후 경기가 10점 이내로 들어가는 것을 허용하지 않았습니다.

약 2분을 남기고 점수가 다시 63-49로 벌어졌을 때, 청주 KB는 두 번째 경기를 실시간 배팅 사이트 준비하기 위해 박지수와 강이슬을 벤치로 불렀습니다.


전 NBA 스타 카터, 맥그래디가 버팔로 빌스 지분 매입을 모색하는

전 NBA 스타 카터, 맥그래디가 버팔로 빌스 지분 매입을 모색하는 그룹에 합류했다고 AP 소식통이 말했습니다

전 NBA 스타 빈스 카터와 트레이시 맥그래디는 NFL이 버팔로 빌스의 비지배적 소수 지분을 매입하기 위해 검토 중인 그룹의 일원이라고 리그 재정위원회의 의제에 대해 잘 알고 있는 한 관계자가 월요일 AP 통신에 말했습니다.

이 관계자는 리그가 화요일로 예정된 위원회 회의 의제를 공개하지 않았기 때문에 익명을 조건으로 AP와 통화했습니다. 위원회는 또한 마이애미 돌핀스의 지분 10%를 인수하려는 아레스 매니지먼트의 입찰도 고려할 것이라고 이 관계자는 말했습니다. 안전놀이터

스포츠 비즈니스 저널은 위원회가 검토 중인 잠재적 구매자를 처음 보도했습니다.

이 관계자는 지난달 슈퍼볼에서 7회 우승한 톰 브래디가 라스베이거스 레이더스의 소수 지분을 매입한 후 예상되는 후속 조치로 톰 브래디도 의제에 포함되어 있다고 말했습니다. 카지노사이트위키

법안은 성명을 통해 현재 진행 중이며 NFL의 승인이 필요하다며 잠재적 투자자에 대한 논평을 거부했습니다.

카터, 맥그래디, MLS 선수 조지 알티도어가 그리드아이언 캐피털의 매니징 파트너인 톰 버거와 함께 10.6%의 빌스 지분을 인수하기 위한 메이저사이트 컨소시엄에 합류했다고 이 관계자는 말했습니다. 그리드아이언 캐피털의 지분은 약 1.4%에 달할 것입니다.

이 거래의 일환으로 또 다른 그룹인 아크토스 파트너스는 빌스의 지분 10%를 매입하여 소유주인 테리와 킴 페굴라가 79% 이상의 지배적인 지분을 유지하게 됩니다.

47세의 카터와 45세의 맥그래디는 모두 사촌 관계로 나이스미스 농구 명예의 전당에 헌액되었으며 토론토 랩터스에서 2년 동안 팀 동료로 근무했습니다. 토토사이트 순위 두 사람은 9월에 열린 빌스 홈 경기에 참석하여 현재 팀의 홈 건너편에 빌스의 새 경기장이 건설되고 있는 건설 현장을 둘러보았습니다. 경기장은 2026년 6월에 개장할 예정입니다.

지난 4월, NHL의 버팔로 세이버스를 소유하고 있는 페굴라스는 법안에 대한 소수 지분 매각 가능성을 검토 중이라고 파워볼게임 발표했습니다.

이번 매각은 페굴라스가 프랜차이즈의 가치 상승을 통해 수익을 창출할 수 있는 방법으로 여겨졌습니다. 포브스의 최근 빌스 가치는 42억 달러였습니다. 페굴라스는 2014년 명예의 전당 소유주이자 팀 설립자인 랄프 윌슨의 유산으로부터 당시 NFL 기록인 14억 달러에 팀을 인수했습니다. 핸디캡 베팅 전략

빌스의 새 경기장 비용은 21억 달러 이상으로 증가했으며, 페굴라스는 약 5억 6천만 달러의 오버런을 포함해 12억 5천만 달러에 거래되고 있습니다.

빌스의 피트 구엘리 회장은 지난주 AP와의 인터뷰에서 팀의 소수 매각은 건설 비용과 관련이 없다고 말했습니다. 온라인바카라


Short Track Kim Gil-li Passes 5th World Cup Qualifiers

Short Track Kim Gil-li Passes the 5th World Cup Qualifiers… Advance Towards Overall Victory

Park Ji-won, ranked 2nd in the men’s overall ranking, also cruised through the first and second 1,000m race preliminaries.

Kim Gil-li (Seongnam City Hall), who is ranked first in the short track women’s World Cup rankings,

easily passed the preliminaries in all events for the 5th World Cup competition and took one step closer to winning the overall championship.

Gilly Kim was the first to finish at the finish line with a score of 1 minute 32.659 seconds in Group 7 of the women’s 1,000m first race preliminary round of the 5th competition of the 2023-2024 International Skating Union (ISU) Short Track World Cup held in Dresden, Germany on the 10th (Korean time).

He broke through and advanced to the quarterfinals. 토토사이트 순위

In the second race of the women’s 1,000m, she took first place in group 4 of the preliminary round with a time of 1 minute 33.961 seconds and easily advanced to the quarterfinals.

In the women’s 3,000m relay, which she participated in with Shim Seok-hee (Seoul City Hall),

Park Ji-yoon (Seoul City Hall), and Park Ji-won (Jeonbuk Provincial Office),

she beat China (4 minutes 14.741 seconds) with a score of 4 minutes 14.652 seconds and took first place in Group 1 of the preliminary round. occupied.

Gilly Kim is ranked first in the World Cup rankings with 865 World Cup points until the 4th World Cup,

beating out Kristin Santos-Griswold of the United States (805 points).

This season’s World Cup series will conclude with the 5th competition and the 6th competition to be held in Gdansk, Poland from the 17th to the 19th of this month.

Park Ji-won (Seoul City Hall), who is ranked second in the men’s World Cup rankings,

also passed the preliminaries in all participating events with ease.

Park Ji-won took first place in group 3 of the first preliminary round of the men’s 1,000m race with a time of 1 minute 23.958 seconds,

then took first place again in group 5 of the second preliminary round with a time of 1 minute 25.164 seconds and advanced to the quarterfinals.

He also took first place in Group 5 in the men’s 1,000m second race preliminaries with a time of 1 minute, 23.23 seconds.

In Group 3 of the men’s 5,000m relay quarterfinals, where he competed with Seong-woo Jang (Korea University),

Tae-seong Kim (Dankook University), and Jeong-min Lee (Korea National Sport University),

he crossed the finish line in second place after Poland and advanced to the semifinals.

Ji-won Park, who took first place overall in the World Cup last season,

earned 681 World Cup points this season, trailing Canada’s Stephen Dubois (683 points) by just two points.

Dubois also easily passed the first and second men’s 1,000m races.


Racism Again Towards Real Madrid Vinicius Junior

Racism Again Towards Real Madrid’s Vinicius Junior… This Time, ‘Children’

The league secretariat has launched an investigation after it was discovered that Vinicius Junior,

a goal scorer for Spanish professional soccer team Real Madrid,

was subjected to racial discrimination by a ‘child’.

Sports media outlet ‘The Athletic’ reported on the 4th (Korean time) that the La Liga Secretariat is investigating racial discrimination that occurred during the 27th round match between Real Madrid and Valencia in the 2023-2024 Spanish La Liga season. 토토사이트

During the game held at the Mestalla Stadium in Valencia the day before,

a video was posted on social media of a child in the stands mocking Vinicius by calling him a ‘monkey’.

When ‘ESPN Brazil’ posted this video, the controversy grew.

Vinicius, a black man from Brazil who shows an unrivaled sense of goal in La Liga,

has many experiences of being the victim of racial discrimination.

Of the cases of racial discrimination against Vinicius Junior over the past year and a half,

only about 10 have been made known to the world through reports.

In particular, this is not the first time that Valencia fans have suffered damage.

Vinicius also had to hear the sound of a ‘monkey’ during the Valencia expedition in May last year.

At the time, Vinicius posted a criticism on social media, saying,

“Racial discrimination has become routine in La Liga,”

and the issue of racial discrimination in soccer became a topic of global debate.

At the time, the La Liga secretariat imposed a disciplinary action against Valencia,

partially closing its home stadium for five games and imposing a fine of 45,000 euros (approximately 65 million won).

Real Madrid drew 2-2 with Valencia in the 27th round.

Vinicius saved Real Madrid from defeat by scoring consecutive goals in extra time in the first half and in the 31st minute of the second half.

He did a goal celebration by raising his right fist,

which is said to be meant to protest against racial discrimination.


NBA Oklahoma City Overturns 23-Point Lead and Defeats Toronto

NBA Oklahoma City Overturns 23-Point Lead and Defeats Toronto in Game 2 of Overtime

Clippers beat Miami, 5 wins, 1 loss in away games

The Oklahoma City Thunder of the National Basketball Association (NBA) led the close game that went to the second overtime with long-range artillery to victory.

Oklahoma City defeated the Toronto Raptors 135-127 with 23 3-point shots in the 2023-2024 NBA regular season held at the Paycom Center in Oklahoma, USA on the 5th (Korean time).

Josh Gidey scored 24 points and Shai Gilgeous Alexander scored 23 points to help the team win. 사설 토토사이트

Oklahoma City suffered from severe shooting difficulties,

attempting 25 3-point shots in the first half and missing 18 of them.

Because of this, at one point in the third quarter, they were behind by 53-76, or 23 points, and the loss was deep.

Oklahoma City, who started chasing after a 3-point shot,

tied the score at 110-110 with Aaron Wiggins (20 points) with 4.7 seconds left in the fourth quarter and went into overtime.

Wiggins increased the score to 130-123 with a 3-point shot 1 minute and 39 seconds before the second overtime,

which was a close game, and tipped the pendulum to Oklahoma City.

Oklahoma City tied for the lead in the Western Conference with the Minnesota Timberwolves with 35 wins and 15 losses.

Minnesota also defeated the Houston Rockets 111-90 that day.

The LA Clippers, who went on an 11-day away trip,

defeated the Miami Heat 103-95, led by Kawhi Leonard (25 points) and James Harden (21 points).

The reason the Clippers played away for such a long period of time is because their home stadium, Arena, will not be available for a while due to the Grammy Awards ceremony.

Including Harden’s five 3-pointers, the Clippers overwhelmed Miami with 16 long-range shots.

The Clippers had a good record of 5 wins and 1 loss in six away games, including a win against Miami.

This expedition ends with a game against the Atlanta Hawks on the 6th.

The Clippers rose to third place in the Western Conference (33 wins, 15 losses) with 25 wins in the last 30 games.

Sports News

Hwang In-beom “The national team is united with pride “The dream of advancing to the big leagues remains unchanged.”

Two awards this season, Player of the Year “Thank you to my team” “Advancing to the big leagues has been my dream since childhood. “I will take on the challenge.”

Hwang In-beom, who ended the season with a victory over China, also spoke about his thoughts and about the recent big league transfer rumors.

The Korean national soccer team secured the top seed in the third preliminary round by winning the final 6th home game of Group C of the Asian region’s second qualifying round group stage for the ‘2026 FIFA North and Central America World Cup’ held against China at the Seoul World Cup Stadium on the 11th. .

Hwang In-beom, who met with reporters in the mixed zone after the game, said, “I will have more conversations with the players and go into the third preliminary round with more awareness of what parts we need to prepare for,” and added, “We will secure advancement to the World Cup finals with the best results possible.” “I promise I will build it,” he said.

Regarding the new players who played in the last two games, he said, “The seven new players who joined this time have proven themselves to be capable and good players.” 안전놀이터

He said, “The fact that many new players are joining the national team means that there are many players who are showing good performance in their respective leagues.” He added, “I don’t know which new players will join and who will be missing in September (3rd round of North and Central America World Cup qualifiers), but it is one thing. “We will build the national team together with a goal,” he said.

He continued, “As the national team represents the Republic of Korea, if the players have pride and responsibility, they will be able to come together strongly no matter who comes.” 슬롯사이트

Looking back on the past year as a member of the national team, he said, “We went through a harsh experience in the Asian Cup last January, and we drew a draw against Thailand last March even though it was a home game.” He added, “The third qualifying round is more difficult, so it is more difficult not only for the players personally but also administratively. “It must be supported,” he urged. Hwang In-beom added, “If we decide quickly on matters that need to be decided and play a role in helping Korean soccer move forward, the players will fulfill their roles as players.” Regarding the past year with his team, he said, “It was a season in which I gained so much as a player.” In-Beom Hwang, who left Greece last summer and joined Serbian professional soccer team Crvena Zvezda, immediately took over as the team’s starting player and won two league and cup competitions. He scored a total of 6 goals and 7 assists during the season, including 5 goals and 5 assists in the league and 1 goal and 1 assist in the UEFA Champions League (UCL), producing double-digit attack points, and was honored to be selected as the league’s best player for the 2023-2024 season. I even got it. Regarding this, Hwang In-beom said, “I had the honor of lifting the championship trophy for the first time since his professional debut,” and “I even received the Player of the Year award, which I never expected.” He continued, “I am sincerely grateful to my team, and there will be challenges I will face as a player next season, so I will not hesitate to face them in order to become a better player.” Regarding the recent big league transfer rumors, he said, “I am cautious about giving an answer as there are fans who give me undeserved love and my current team that saved my career in a difficult situation due to various issues with my former team,” but added, “Nevertheless, as a player, Hwang In-beom “The dream has not changed since the beginning,” he said. Hwang In-beom replied, “As the club knows my dream very well, I will think carefully about it through conversation and make a choice. Whatever choice I make, I want to create a better Hwang In-beom.” He added, “Korean soccer fans also want to see at least one player play on a better stage,” adding, “As a player, I also have a sense of responsibility to want to satisfy the fans more.” Lastly, regarding the rumor about his teammate Seol Young-woo’s transfer to Zvezda, he replied, “The club asked me first, and of course I answered that he was a very good player, but it is difficult to say that I recommended it.” However, he said, “It is true that the club is interested,” and “I believe that not only Youngwoo, but all players looking for a new team will make good choices with the development of Korean soccer in mind.” 토토사이트 추천

Sports News

‘Cho Gyu-seong’s goal silence’ Midtjylland loses 1-2 to Bronnbue

Jo Gyu-seong

Midtjylland, a Danish professional soccer team whose national soccer team striker Cho Gyu-sung was silent, bowed to Brönby.

Midtjylland lost 1-2 in the 4th game of the 2023-2024 Danish Superliga Championship round against Brønby held at Brønby Stadium, Denmark on the 22nd (Korean time). 메이저사이트

Cho Gyu-seong, who started as a two-top striker, played full time but was unable to score.

The Danish Superliga operates a split system in which the regular league is played for 22 rounds and then divided into the top 6 teams (championship round) and the bottom 6 teams (relegation round), with each team playing 10 more games.

The team that ranks first in the top split will qualify for the second qualifying round of the UEFA Champions League next season.

Midtjylland (52 points), which maintained its lead until the 22nd round and advanced to the championship round, has only 1 win, 1 draw, and 2 losses since then, and is in second place after Bronnby (55 points).

In this day’s game, Midtjylland collapsed after giving up two goals to Bronnby’s Japanese striker Yuito Suzuki. 슬롯사이트

Suzuki, who scored the first goal 10 minutes into the first half, completed his multiple goals with an additional goal in the 36th minute of the first half.

Midtjylland scored a chasing goal from central defender Mads Beck Sørensen in the 11th minute of the second half, but could no longer catch up.

Cho Gyu-seong, the leading scorer with 11 goals in the regular season, failed to score as both of his two effective shots were blocked. 토토사이트 순위

Sports News

Ohtani hits his 176th career home run A new record for most Japanese hitters in MLB history

Ohtani sets MLB record for most home runs by a Japanese player

Shohei Ohtani (Los Angeles Dodgers) became the player who hit the most home runs among Japanese batters ever playing in the Major League Baseball (MLB).

On the 22nd (Korean time), Ohtani appeared as the number 2 designated hitter in the home game against the New York Mets at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, California, USA, and drew a two-run arch that fell into the right stand in the 3rd inning. 안전놀이터

Ohtani hit his 176th home run in MLB, surpassing Hideki Matsui (retired) and becoming the Japanese big league hitter with the most home runs.

Ohtani hit his 5th home run of the season in 9 days. The Dodgers won 10-0.

Ohtani, who doubles as a two-batter, underwent surgery on his right elbow last year and will play only as a hitter this year.

He hit 22 home runs in 2018, his debut in the big league, 46 in 2021, and 44 last year, showing off his power that surpasses Western players.

Ohtani hit 48 home runs in the five years he played in Japanese professional baseball, and has a total of 224 home runs as a U.S.-Japan professional baseball player. 슬롯사이트

Among Asian batters, the player with the most home runs is Choo Shin-soo (currently SSG Landers), who hit 218.

In an interview with, Matsui, who left behind 507 career home runs, including 332 in the Japanese Professional Baseball League and 175 in the Big League, spoke highly of his junior, saying, “When looking at his presence and ability as a player, Otani is simply a great player.” “My records cannot be compared (with Ohtani’s),” he said bluntly.

He added, “No matter what Ohtani accomplishes, many fans will have high expectations, and I hope that Ohtani will always be healthy.” 토토사이트 추천

Sports News

Women’s table tennis, the ‘strongest’, failed to overcome the Great Wall and was eliminated from the Busan World Championships in the quarterfinals

Shin Yu-bin competing against Wang Yi-di

First medal in 12 years Qualification for the team finals at the Paris Olympics has been secured.

The match between Korea and China in the women’s quarterfinals of the BNK Busan Bank 2024 Busan World Table Tennis Championships held at BEXCO in Haeundae-gu, Busan on the afternoon of the 22nd.

Korean women’s table tennis failed to overcome the ‘Great Wall of China’ and was eliminated in the quarterfinals at the BNK Busan Bank 2024 Busan World Table Tennis Championships.

Korea (5th place), lined up with Jeon Ji-hee (Mirae Asset Securities), Shin Yu-bin (Korean Air), and Lee Si-ion (Samsung Life Insurance), defeated China (1st place) with a match score of 0-3 in the quarterfinals of the tournament held at the BEXCO Special Stadium in Busan on the 22nd. was completely defeated.

Korean women’s table tennis aimed to win the first prize in 12 years since the 2012 Dortmund tournament (bronze medal) at the World Championships held at home for the first time, but was unable to achieve its goal due to being blocked by the tall Great Wall of China. 카지노사이트

The team that made it to the quarterfinals of this tournament had to be satisfied with securing a spot in the team event at the 2026 Paris Olympics.

‘Net play’

The match between Korea and China in the women’s quarterfinals of the BNK Busan Bank 2024 Busan World Table Tennis Championships held at BEXCO in Haeundae-gu, Busan on the afternoon of the 22nd.

The women’s national team won all four games in the group stage, where it was grouped with Malaysia, Italy, Puerto Rico, and Cuba, and advanced to the round of 16 as first place.

In the round of 16, they defeated Brazil with a match score of 3-1 and advanced to the quarterfinals.

Korean women’s table tennis has never won a team event at the World Championships since winning the Sarajevo Tournament in 1973 and the Chiba Tournament in 1991 as a unified North and South Korean team called ‘Korea’.

China, which is trying to win its sixth consecutive title, will play the semifinal match against the winner of the France-Germany match on the 23rd.

China is an absolute powerhouse, having won the women’s team event at the World Championships a whopping 22 times.

Coach Oh Gwang-heon of the women’s national team sent Lee Si-on, rather than the ‘one-two punch’ Shin Yu-bin and Jeon Ji-hee, to the first singles match to face ‘the world’s strongest player’ Sun Ying-sha.

The strategy was to expect unexpected results from Lee Si-on, while actively aiming for victory in the second and third singles matches where Jeon Ji-hee and Shin Yu-bin would compete.

The gap between Lee Si-ion, ranked 44th in the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) singles world rankings, and Sun Yingsha, ranked 1st, was large. 토토사이트 순위

Sports News

Pepper Savings Bank player A is suspected of bullying juniors KOVO holds a rewards and punishment committee on the 23rd

Pepper Savings Bank players

Two players who claimed to have been bullied left the team last year

Pepper Savings Bank, the lowest ranked professional volleyball women’s team in the swamp of 23 consecutive losses, is embroiled in an internal dispute.

Pepper Savings Bank’s veteran player A was referred to the Korea Volleyball Federation (KOVO) Rewards and Punishment Committee under suspicion of continuing to harass his juniors. 메이저사이트

A KOVO official said on the 22nd, “We are planning to hold a reward and punishment committee regarding player A at 10 a.m. tomorrow.”

It is known that junior players B and C were continuously harassed by senior A on the same team last year.

B and C left the team at the end of last year, and during this process, Pepper Savings Bank discovered that A had engaged in inappropriate behavior.

Pepper Savings Bank recently reported the related matter through the Grievance Center on the KOVO website.After receiving the relevant information, KOVO decided to hold a reward and punishment committee regarding A.

A Pepper Savings Bank official said in a phone call with Yonhap News, “The club reported it directly through a post-investigation and the official position will be revealed after the rewards and punishment committee ends.”

Pepper Savings Bank is having the worst time this season.

The club spared no investment, including recruiting free agent Park Jeong-ah ahead of the opening of this season, but lost 23 games after winning against GS Caltex on November 10 last year.

This is the record for the most consecutive losses in the professional volleyball V-League women’s division.If they add 4 more losses, Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO at the time) will tie the men’s record of 27 consecutive losses, which they suffered during the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 seasons.

Pepper Savings Bank is in last place this season with 2 wins, 28 losses, and 8 points, regardless of the remaining games.

Pepper Savings Bank will play a visiting game against Korea Expressway Corporation at the Gimcheon Indoor Stadium on the afternoon of the 23rd when the Rewards and Punishments Committee is held. 토토사이트 추천