
Are You Sure You’re a Beginner? Samsung, the Biggest Bullpen Player in Two Days, Was Meticulous And Agile

The winner of the biggest bullpen KBO League’s active third-place save 169 closing pitcher was the Samsung Lions. Samsung quickly stepped up its back door by completing the contract with Kim Jae-yoon just two days after the opening of the free agent market. 스포츠토토핫

Samsung announced its FA contract with Kim Jae-yoon on the 22nd. It said it signed a maximum of 5.8 billion won in terms of a four-year contract, including 2 billion won in down payment, 2.8 billion won in annual salary, and 1 billion won in incentives.

However, it is known that the contract was already completed on the morning of the 21st. Kim Jae-yoon stopped by the Samsung Lions’ Seoul office earlier in the day to finalize the contract and took pictures with CEO Yoo Jeong-geun and Lee Jong-yeol to confirm the transfer.

After that, there was a bold and agile movement of General Manager Lee Jong-yeol. At that time, General Manager Lee Jong-yeol was on a force trip to and from Tokyo, Japan to visit the driveline program. However, with the opening of the market, he immediately tried to contact Kim Jae-yoon and reached an agreement with Kim Jae-yoon after returning home on the 20th. It was stamped two days after the market opened on the 19th.

There was also a bold investment. KT Wiz, the original team, also made all-out efforts to remain in Kim Jae-yoon, but it is known that there was a big difference from Samsung in the initial offer amount. General manager Lee Jong-yeol offered a large amount of money to Kim Jae-yoon from the beginning, and Kim Jae-yoon, who was recognized for his value, stamped his seal with Samsung.

The process was also meticulous. The contract with Kim Jae-yoon was made by Lee Jong-yeol himself, and not many people are known to know the process inside Samsung’s front office. As such, it was pushed forward meticulously and agilely to achieve a quick contract.

After the contract, general manager Lee Jong-yeol said, We recruited Kim Jae-yoon, who we thought was the best resource among FA pitchers. I want to put great significance in that it reinforced the bullpen, which was the most lacking part of the team this season. I expect that the recruitment of Kim Jae-yoon will eliminate anxiety about the back door and ultimately create a positive result of improving the team’s performance, he said.

With the recruitment of Kim Jae-yoon, Samsung will be able to draw a big picture of fostering and reorganizing the bullpen step by step. It was possible to establish a double stopper system on the premise of remaining Oh Seung-hwan, and young bullpen pitchers such as left-hander Lee Seung-hyun also bought time to grow. Considering that Kim Jae-yoon is 33 years old, there is plenty of time for young players to grow.

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