
안전한 토토사이트 선택 가이드: 스포츠 베팅의 즐거움을 위한 필수 조건

스포츠의 열정과 짜릿한 승부를 즐기는 방법은 다양하지만, 그 중에서도 스포츠 베팅은 승패를 예측하는 재미와 함께 추가적인 흥분을 선사합니다. 하지만 온라인 사이트의 급증과 함께 먹튀와 같은 위험 요소 또한 증가하고 있어 안전한 사이트를 선택하는 것이 무엇보다 중요합니다. 이 글에서는 안전한 토토사이트의 장점과 선택 기준, 그리고 안전하게 스포츠 베팅을 즐기는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보겠습니다.

  1. 토토사이트란 무엇인가? 온라인 스포츠 베팅의 세계

토토사이트는 온라인 플랫폼을 통해 다양한 스포츠 경기의 결과를 예측하고 베팅할 수 있는 서비스를 제공합니다. 축구, 야구, 농구, 배구, e스포츠 등 다양한 종목의 승패, 핸디캡, 언더/오버, 스페셜 등 다채로운 배팅 옵션을 제공하여 스포츠 팬들에게 짜릿한 경험을 선사합니다.

  1. 사설 토토사이트의 인기 비결: 합법 토토와의 차별성

합법적인 스포츠 토토(베트맨)와 달리 사설 토토사이트는 다음과 같은 장점으로 인해 많은 이용자들에게 사랑받고 있습니다.

세금 혜택: 사설 토토사이트는 당첨금에 대한 세금을 원천징수하지 않아 이용자들은 세금 걱정 없이 더 많은 수익을 얻을 수 있습니다. (합법 토토는 200만 원 초과 당첨금 또는 100배 초과 배당률에 대해 세금 부과)
높은 배당률: 사설 토토사이트는 합법 토토보다 높은 배당률을 제공하여 더 큰 수익을 기대할 수 있습니다.
다채로운 이벤트: 신규 가입 이벤트, 첫 충전 보너스, 매일 충전 보너스, 룰렛 이벤트 등 다양한 이벤트를 통해 추가적인 혜택을 제공합니다.
간편한 결제 시스템: 계좌 이체, 가상화폐(비트코인), 전자지갑(페이팔) 등 다양한 결제 방식을 지원하여 편리하게 이용할 수 있습니다.
다양한 배팅 옵션: 승패, 핸디캡, 언더/오버는 물론, e스포츠, 실시간 게임 등 다양한 종목과 세부 옵션을 제공하여 선택의 폭을 넓혔습니다.
24시간 이용 가능: 시간과 장소에 구애받지 않고 24시간 언제든지 스포츠 베팅을 즐길 수 있습니다.

  1. 안전한 토토사이트 선택의 핵심 기준: 먹튀 없는 안전한 베팅 환경

토토사이트를 선택할 때 가장 중요한 것은 안전성입니다. 먹튀는 당첨금을 지급하지 않고 사이트를 폐쇄하는 사기 행위로, 이용자들에게 막대한 피해를 입힐 수 있습니다. 안전한 토토사이트를 선택하기 위해서는 다음과 같은 기준을 고려해야 합니다.

운영 기간: 최소 4년 이상 안정적으로 운영된 사이트를 선택하여 먹튀 위험을 최소화해야 합니다.
먹튀 이력: 먹튀 이력이 단 한 건도 없는 깨끗한 사이트를 선택해야 합니다. 먹튀 검증 사이트를 통해 과거 이력을 꼼꼼히 확인하는 것이 중요합니다.
자본력: 탄탄한 자본력을 갖춘 사이트일수록 안정적인 운영이 가능하며, 고액 당첨금 지급에도 문제가 없습니다.
보증금 예치: 안전놀이터 인증을 받은 사이트는 일정 금액의 보증금을 예치하여 만일의 사태에 대비합니다.
입출금 시스템: 빠르고 안정적인 입출금 시스템을 갖춘 사이트를 선택해야 합니다. 평균 3분 이내의 충전 시간과 10분 이내의 환전 시간을 보장하는 곳이 좋습니다.
보안 시스템: 디도스 공격 방어, SSL 암호화, 해외 서버 운영 등 강력한 보안 시스템을 갖춘 사이트를 선택하여 개인 정보 유출 위험을 방지해야 합니다.
고객센터 운영: 24시간 고객센터를 운영하며, 문제 발생 시 신속하게 대응해주는 곳을 선택해야 합니다.

  1. 안전한 베팅을 위한 필수 팁: 먹튀 예방을 위한 노력

안전한 토토사이트를 선택하는 것 외에도, 이용자 스스로도 먹튀를 예방하기 위한 노력을 기울여야 합니다.

먹튀 검증 사이트 활용: 신뢰할 수 있는 먹튀 검증 사이트를 통해 사이트의 안전성을 꼼꼼하게 확인해야 합니다.
과도한 이벤트 주의: 지나치게 높은 당첨금이나 비현실적인 혜택을 제공하는 사이트는 먹튀 위험이 높으므로 주의해야 합니다.
소액으로 시작: 처음 이용하는 사이트에서는 소액으로 베팅하여 사이트의 신뢰성을 확인하는 것이 좋습니다.
커뮤니티 정보 활용: 스포츠 베팅 관련 커뮤니티나 게시판에서 다른 이용자들의 경험담을 참고하고, 먹튀 사이트 정보를 공유하는 것이 좋습니다.
개인 정보 보호: 개인 정보 유출에 주의하고, 보안이 취약한 사이트는 이용하지 않아야 합니다.
광고를 통한 무분별한 가입 지양: 검증되지 않은 광고를 통해 가입하는 것을 지양하고, 검증된 정보를 통해 안전한 사이트를 선택해야 합니다.


안전한 온라인 스포츠 베팅 환경 조성을 위한 먹튀검증 예방법

온라인 스포츠 베팅 시장이 급격히 성장하면서, 편리성과 접근성으로 많은 이용자들에게 즐거움을 선사하고 있습니다. 하지만 동시에 먹튀라는 심각한 문제 또한 발생하고 있어 이용자들의 각별한 주의가 요구됩니다. 먹튀는 당첨금을 지급하지 않고 사이트를 폐쇄하는 사기 행위로, 이용자들에게 금전적 손실은 물론 심리적인 피해까지 안겨줍니다. 이러한 먹튀 피해를 예방하고 안전한 베팅 환경을 조성하기 위해 먹튀검증 업체들이 등장하여 활발한 활동을 펼치고 있습니다.

  1. 먹튀검증 전문 업체의 역할과 중요성

먹튀검증 전문 업체는 축적된 데이터와 전문적인 분석 시스템을 통해 토토 사이트의 안전성을 다각도로 검증하고, 먹튀 위험이 있는 사이트를 선별하여 정보를 제공하는 역할을 수행합니다. 이들은 단순한 정보 제공을 넘어, 먹튀 피해 발생 시 피해 복구를 위한 지원 및 상담 서비스까지 제공하며 이용자 보호에 앞장서고 있습니다.

객관적이고 전문적인 검증 시스템: 먹튀검증 업체들은 사이트 운영 기간, 도메인 정보, 서버 위치, 라이센스 보유 여부, 과거 먹튀 이력 등 다양한 정보를 종합적으로 분석하여 객관적인 안전성 평가를 제공합니다.
24시간 상시 모니터링 체계: 의심스러운 사이트를 실시간으로 감지하고 분석하여 신속하게 정보를 제공함으로써 먹튀 피해를 예방합니다.
데이터베이스 구축 및 공유: 먹튀 이력이 있는 사이트 정보를 데이터베이스화하여 공유함으로써, 이용자들이 먹튀 위험에 노출되지 않도록 돕습니다.
피해 신고 접수 및 상담: 먹튀 피해 발생 시 피해 상황을 접수하고, 법률 자문 및 피해 복구를 위한 상담을 제공합니다.

  1. 대표적인 먹튀검증 업체 및 검증 프로세스

다양한 먹튀검증 업체들이 활동하고 있으며, 각 업체마다 고유의 검증 시스템과 노하우를 보유하고 있습니다. 대표적인 업체들은 다음과 같습니다. (실제 업체명은 홍보의 소지가 있으므로 생략)

철저한 사이트 정보 분석: 사이트의 운영 기간, 도메인 생성 정보, 서버 위치, 보안 시스템 등을 면밀히 분석하여 사이트의 신뢰도를 평가합니다.
과거 먹튀 이력 조회: 방대한 데이터베이스를 기반으로 해당 사이트의 과거 먹튀 이력을 조회하여 안전성을 검증합니다.
자본력 및 운영 능력 확인: 사이트의 자본금 규모, 계좌 내역, 자금 흐름 등을 추적하여 안정적인 운영 능력을 갖추고 있는지 확인합니다.
이벤트 및 혜택 분석: 과도한 이벤트나 비현실적인 혜택을 제공하는 경우 먹튀 가능성을 의심하고 정밀 분석을 진행합니다.
유저 제보 및 평판 확인: 실제 이용자들의 제보와 평판을 수렴하여 객관적인 평가를 내립니다.

  1. 먹튀 예방을 위한 이용자 스스로의 노력

먹튀검증 업체를 통해 안전한 사이트를 선택하는 것도 중요하지만, 이용자 스스로도 먹튀를 예방하기 위한 노력을 기울여야 합니다.

공식 먹튀검증 업체 사칭 주의: 공식 업체의 URL을 정확히 확인하고, 가짜 사이트에 속지 않도록 주의해야 합니다.
유명 메이저 사이트 사칭 주의: 사이트 주소와 도메인 정보를 꼼꼼히 확인하고, 약간의 차이라도 있다면 의심해야 합니다.
과도한 이벤트 및 혜택 경계: 지나치게 높은 당첨금이나 비현실적인 혜택을 제공하는 사이트는 먹튀 가능성이 높으므로 주의해야 합니다.
소액으로 안전성 테스트: 처음 이용하는 사이트에서는 소액으로 배팅하여 사이트의 신뢰성을 확인하는 것이 좋습니다.
커뮤니티 및 정보 공유 활용: 관련 커뮤니티나 게시판을 통해 다른 이용자들의 경험담을 참고하고, 먹튀 사이트 정보를 공유하는 것이 좋습니다.
개인 정보 보호: 개인 정보 유출은 또 다른 피해로 이어질 수 있으므로, 보안이 취약한 사이트는 이용하지 않아야 합니다.
피해 발생 시 즉시 신고: 먹튀 피해를 당했을 경우 즉시 먹튀검증 업체에 신고하고, 관련 증거 자료를 확보하는 것이 중요합니다.

  1. 안전한 베팅 문화 조성을 위한 노력

먹튀검증 업체들은 이용자들이 안심하고 베팅을 즐길 수 있도록 안전한 사이트 정보 제공 및 피해 예방 활동에 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 하지만 먹튀 근절을 위해서는 업체의 노력뿐만 아니라 이용자들의 경각심과 적극적인 참여가 필요합니다. 건전한 베팅 문화를 조성하고 먹튀 없는 안전한 환경을 만들기 위해 모두가 함께 노력해야 할 것입니다.

먹튀검증 업체를 활용하여 안전한 사이트를 선택하고, 스스로도 먹튀 예방을 위한 노력을 꾸준히 실천한다면 온라인 스포츠 베팅을 더욱 즐겁고 안전하게 즐길 수 있을 것입니다.


Top Recommended Toto Sites: A Guide to Popular Sports Betting Categories for November 2024

As online sports betting continues to grow in popularity, many fans are looking for trusted Toto sites to explore new betting opportunities. From soccer and basketball to emerging markets like eSports, having a reliable and safe platform to place bets on favorite sports is essential. This guide provides insights on selecting the right Toto site and highlights the most popular sports betting categories for November 2024.

Key Considerations for Choosing a Trusted Toto Site

When selecting a Toto site, security and credibility are the most important factors. Verified sites that are licensed by well-known regulatory bodies ensure a safer betting environment for users. Look for licensing information from organizations such as the UK Gambling Commission or the Malta Gaming Authority, as these bodies enforce high standards of fair play, data protection, and secure financial transactions.

Another essential aspect is the site’s data encryption and protection measures. Leading platforms use SSL encryption technology to safeguard users’ personal and financial information, helping to create a safe and worry-free betting experience. When a site prioritizes these elements, you can confidently enjoy your betting activities.안전놀이터

Popular Sports Betting Categories


Soccer, known globally as football, remains one of the most popular sports for betting on Toto sites. The availability of numerous leagues and tournaments, such as the English Premier League, UEFA Champions League, and the FIFA World Cup, makes soccer a year-round betting favorite. Soccer betting markets are diverse, offering options to bet on match winners, total goals, halftime scores, and player statistics. Many sites also feature live in-play betting, allowing users to place bets in real-time based on the game’s progress.


Basketball betting has surged in popularity thanks to leagues like the NBA, EuroLeague, and various Asian leagues. Basketball betting markets typically include point spreads, over/under totals, and specific player performances. Basketball’s fast-paced nature makes it ideal for live betting, as the odds can change with every quarter, giving bettors a range of strategic choices. The best Toto sites offer extensive coverage of major and minor basketball leagues to cater to fans globally.


Baseball is a preferred choice for many sports bettors, particularly in North America and Japan, where MLB and NPB games attract large betting volumes. Baseball betting markets often include moneylines, run totals, and prop bets based on player performance. Many Toto sites provide detailed game statistics, team records, and pitching matchups, which can be incredibly helpful for bettors making informed decisions. With multiple games played daily throughout the season, baseball offers ample betting opportunities.

American Football

With the NFL as one of the biggest sports leagues globally, American football betting has an enormous fan base. This sport offers various betting options, including point spreads, moneylines, total points, and player props. Some Toto sites also offer specialized bets such as first touchdown scorer or defensive scoring plays, adding excitement for fans. The Super Bowl, in particular, is a significant event for sports bettors, attracting millions of bets each year and making American football an essential category on top betting sites.


Tennis betting has gained popularity with fans worldwide due to the sport’s year-round tournaments and international appeal. Major events such as the Grand Slams (Wimbledon, US Open, French Open, and Australian Open) attract a considerable volume of bets. Common markets in tennis include match winner, set betting, and total games. Many Toto sites offer live betting for tennis, enabling bettors to make predictions as each point unfolds, adding a unique layer of excitement.슬롯사이트


eSports has become a massive segment in online betting, especially with games like League of Legends, Dota 2, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive drawing millions of fans. With a dedicated fan base and regular international tournaments, eSports betting offers options such as match outcomes, map winners, and total rounds. The best Toto sites for eSports provide in-depth analysis and live streaming, allowing users to follow matches and make informed bets. This emerging category is popular among younger bettors who enjoy video games and the strategic nature of eSports competitions.

Horse Racing

Horse racing has been a staple in the betting world for decades and remains popular on many Toto sites. Horse racing markets include win/place/show bets, exactas, trifectas, and parlays. Major events such as the Kentucky Derby, Grand National, and Dubai World Cup attract global audiences and provide a variety of betting opportunities. Toto sites often provide detailed information on each horse’s form, jockey history, and track conditions, assisting bettors in making well-informed selections.

Other Sports to Consider

Beyond the more commonly bet-on sports, many Toto sites also offer niche options such as cricket, rugby, golf, and combat sports like boxing and MMA. Each sport has unique betting options that cater to specific fans. For example, cricket includes markets such as match winners, highest run-scorer, and over/under on runs. In combat sports, bettors can wager on the winner, method of victory, and round betting. Having a wide range of sports ensures that there’s something for everyone on top Toto sites.

Important Features to Look for on Toto Sites

When selecting a Toto site, pay attention to available features like live betting, mobile compatibility, and user-friendly design. Live betting is a must for many sports enthusiasts, as it allows users to place bets in real-time based on changing game dynamics. Top Toto sites typically offer mobile-optimized platforms or apps, allowing users to access their accounts and place bets from anywhere.

Additionally, secure payment options and fast withdrawals are essential for a positive experience. Trusted sites provide various payment methods, including credit cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrency, allowing players to deposit and withdraw with ease. Having a responsive customer support team is also crucial, as it ensures players receive help quickly if they encounter issues.

Conclusion: Enhance Your Sports Betting Experience on the Right Toto Site

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Hanwha Eagles have signed an outside free agent

For the third year in a row, the Hanwha Eagles of the Korean Baseball Organization (KBO) have signed an outside free agent, this time speedy shortstop Shim Woo-jun (29).

Hanwha officially announced the signing of free agent infielder Shim Woo-jun on July 7. It’s a four-year deal worth up to 5 billion won. It includes 4.2 billion won in guaranteed money and an option for 800 million won.

This is the third consecutive year Hanwha has bolstered its roster with an outside free agent signing. After filling up its roster after the 2022 season with first baseman Chae Eun-sung, pitcher Lee Tae-yang, and infielder Oh Sun-jin, Hanwha also added infielder Ahn Chi-hong last year. This year, the team made a big splash by signing Shim Woo-joon for the third consecutive year.

Shim, a right-handed hitting infielder from Gyeonggi High School, joined KT in the 2014 second round with the 14th overall pick. He made his first-team debut in 2015 and has played more than 100 games in every season except 2023 and 2024, when he served in the military.

In nine seasons,

He has a career record of 1072 games (2862 hits, 726 runs), 31 home runs, 275 RBI, 403 runs scored, 190 walks, 526 strikeouts, 156 stolen bases, a .303 on-base percentage, .336 slugging percentage, .639 OPS, and a 78.8% stolen base rate.

In a statement, Hanwha said, “With the addition of Woo-Joon Shim, we are able to strengthen our infield depth by securing a stable shortstop with the quick feet and operational skills we are looking for in the field.

“Woo-joon has the ability to play more than 100 games a season, and with his steady and reliable defense, he has the ability to become the mainstay of our center field next season,” 파워볼사이트 said Hanwha manager Son Hyuk. ”With the introduction of the pitch clock next year, he will be able to put pressure on the opposing pitcher when he is on base, which will help the team in various ways.”

Shim is also determined to use his strengths in defense and base running to help the team achieve its goal of becoming a prestigious club.

“I am sincerely grateful to the Hanwha Eagles for their good evaluation,” said Shim. ”As a free agent player, I will take on greater responsibilities as I join the Hanwha Eagles squad, and I will do my best on the field to help the team win more games.”

Hanwha has been led by Lee Do-yoon at shortstop this year.

Ha Joo-seok started the opening game but left with a hamstring injury, opening the door for rookie Hwang Young-mook. Since June, when Hwang moved to second base, Lee hasn’t done too badly at shortstop, and even after Ha returned from injury, he remained in the starting lineup.

But the team needed a better player in the field, and they quickly connected with Shim Woo-joon, who was on the free agent market. After releasing Ha Joo-suk as an internal free agent, the team focused on signing an external free agent. Above all, the fact that he had quick feet, which Hanwha lacked, was a decisive factor in his signing. Despite the arrival of Kim Kyung-moon, a manager who emphasizes fast baseball, Hanwha ranked ninth in team stolen bases (69) and 10th in success rate (62.7%) last season.

Shim, meanwhile, is a Class B free agent, meaning Hanwha must compensate KT for one compensatory player outside of the 25-man roster and either 100% of the previous year’s salary or 200% of the previous year’s salary. Shim’s salary this year is 290 million won, so KT can receive 290 million won in compensation with a compensatory player or 580 million won without a compensatory player.


For the second year in a row, the shock of the first upset is over.

For the second year in a row, the shock of the first upset is over. As they gather in Icheon for their final camp, Lee Seung-yup’s goal is to rebound and rebound and rebound.

Doosan, led by Lee Seung-yeop, failed to advance to the semifinals of the 2024 Shinhan SOL Bank KBO Postseason with a 0-1 loss in the second game of the wild-card deciding series against KT Wiz at Jamsil Stadium in Seoul on March 3, dropping the series 2-0.

Doosan entered the wild-card decider with a one-game advantage after finishing fourth in the regular season, one spot higher than last year, but dropped both games to KT, which finished fifth in the best-of-five series, and saw its fall baseball season come to an end in two games. There have been two first-round losses for the fourth-place team in the wild-card decider since 2015, but this was the first time a fourth-place team dropped two games to a fifth-place team. Lee Seung-yeop-ho became the first dishonorable mention.

The silence in the batting order proved fatal, as “Catcher 15.2 Billion” Yang Ji broke his collarbone, forcing Jared Young, Kim Jae-hwan, and Yang Seok-hwan to bat in the center of the order, but they were shut out for the second straight day against KT’s foreign duo of William Cuevas and Wes Benjamin. The lackluster swings and empty hits led to a shocking 18 innings without a run.

Ace Kwak Bin Kwak, who started Game 1, was pulled early after giving up four runs in the first inning.

Doosan manager Lee Seung-yeop met with reporters at Icheon Bears Park, where the team is in the midst of its final camp, and said, “There are no excuses. There is no excuse. We are the team that went up to fourth place and ended the season in fifth place after losing the wild card deciding game,” and said, ”A month after the season ended was like a year. Now that we’re cleaned up, we’ve been in Icheon since Nov. 1, and seeing the young players gives me a lot of hope. I’ve been in charge of Dusan for two years, and I always think we can be stronger.”

The theme of the third finalization camp since his appointment is rebuilding, restructuring, and enhancing depth. “In the final camp, I told the young players to beat the veterans. “There are a lot of young players who are better than I thought,” he said, ”and they shouldn’t let the veterans relax. I don’t think the veterans should be relaxed. Doosan can only be stronger if the young players perform in the first team. I hope they can overtake the seniors, 토토사이트 and they should put in enough effort to not lose their place to the seniors who are training on their own.”

Lee also talked about which players stand out in particular.

“Among the beasts, three players stand out: Jeon Damin, Yeo Dong-gun, and Oh Myung-jin. Park Jun-young has also improved a lot. I haven’t seen much of them in the first team, but they are very fast in this camp. We don’t play fast baseball because we have a lot of veterans on the team, but seeing how fast they are, I think they can be an energizing force for the team.”

“In the past, Heo Kyung-min, Jeong Soo-bin, Park Gun-woo, Min Byung-heon, and others have played worthy of the Doosan Hustle Doo. The younger hitters can make a difference in Doosan baseball,” he added.

On the pitching staff, Park Ji-ho, Yoon Tae-ho, and Kim Moo-bin were mentioned as future prospects.

Another reason to be optimistic about next season is the return of all eight players who effectively missed the entire 2023 season due to Oh Jae-won’s prescription for sleeping pills. Kim In-tae, Kim Min-hyuk, Jang Seung-hyun, Park Kye-beom, Je Hwan-yu, Park Ji-hoon, and Lee Seung-jin are in full training camp, while Ahn Seung-han has come out of retirement and is taking front classes.

“Those eight players were the strength we really needed, and we lost a lot of strength when they missed almost 100 games,” Lee said. ”Now they’re back, and all they have to do is complete 80 hours of community service and everything will be fine. Hopefully, they’ll have a good effect on the team next season. Now that it’s over, I hope they can put their worries behind them and play the baseball they didn’t get to play this year,” he said, welcoming the eight back to the team.

He also talked about meeting with them before training.

“I’ve never been in their shoes, but it must have been hard not being able to talk to anyone. It was hard for us watching, but it must have been even harder for them. Some of them have families, some have wives and children,” he said, adding, ”I told them that they need to do better and that they have been struggling.”

But there’s no special treatment in the camp competition just because they had a bad year. “The opportunities are equal,” Lee said. They don’t get an extra chance because they had a bad year,” he said, adding, ”It might take them longer because they haven’t played 100 games. It will take more effort from the players themselves to reduce the anxiety of not playing 100 games.”

Finally, Lee addressed the Doosan fans who were disappointed to miss out on the wild-card round for the second consecutive year, saying, “We will work hard to become a stronger team, and we are still working hard. We will work very hard for the next four months until next February.” ”Next year, we will work hard from now on to show the hustle and grit of the past Doosan dynasty, never giving up on a game and biting until the end. We will show you the complete Doosan.”


It is a fully guaranteed contract with no options.

It is a fully guaranteed contract with no options. SSG Landers honored its franchise star Choi Jung (37) and showed its trust in him.

On the sixth day of the free agency market, SSG announced that it had signed Choi Jung for a four-year contract totaling 11 billion won. This includes a down payment of 3 billion won and an annual salary of 8 billion won.

SSG’s signing of Choi didn’t come as a surprise.

SSG was determined to keep Choi, who has been called the “heart of the Landers” and has become an iconic part of the team, and prioritized keeping Choi, who has been with SSG for 20 years.

Although a non-free agent multi-year contract was not reached and Choi applied for approval to exercise his free agent rights, SSG made an unusual ‘contract notice’ to prevent any misunderstanding.

“We met with Choi and spoke positively with him on the 4th. The player’s side wants to proceed with a free agent contract, so we will announce it after the contract is signed on the 6th, when the free agent market opens.”

As scheduled,

The official announcement was made on the afternoon of the 6th after Choi and the SSG organization met and signed the contract.

What caught our eye was the contract language. It was a “fully guaranteed deal” with no options.

Options are a safety valve for teams that spend big on free agents. Usually, when signing a free agent contract, 메이저사이트 clubs try to include options and players try to increase the guaranteed amount.

But Choi’s free agent contract with SSG didn’t have an option.

When SSG first presented Choi with the terms of his contract, it wasn’t without options, but shortly after negotiations began, they decided to remove them altogether.

“We were thinking about how to build Choi’s ego, and we didn’t want to drag out the contract,” says SSG head coach Kim Jae-hyun. There was also a dimension of honoring him as an iconic player.”

Guaranteeing the full 11 billion won ($11.1 million) also shows the club’s trust in Choi.

The key to Choi becoming the KBO’s all-time home run leader is consistency.

He is the only player in KBO history to hit double-digit home runs in 19 consecutive seasons. From 2016 to this year, he has also hit 20 home runs in nine consecutive seasons.

He is synonymous with integrity. Those who have followed him for a long time say that he is a “baseball idiot.” He also takes care of his body.

Even in his late 30s, Choi has remained healthy this year, batting .291 with 37 home runs and 107 RBIs and an OPS of .978. He ranked third in home runs, ninth in RBI, and fifth in OPS.

“Signing a free agent contract is not about looking back, it’s about looking forward,” Kim said. ”I’ve seen him in the best shape of his life, and I’ve seen him take care of his body. Even though I am in my late 30s, I am confident that I can deliver the performance expected of me for the next four years,” said Kim.

“A fully guaranteed contract is not only an ego boost, it’s also a sign of 100% trust.”


Choi Jung-jeong started by apologizing to his fans.

On the day he made baseball free agency history, Choi Jung-jeong (37-SSG Landers) started by apologizing to his fans. “I apologize for the delay in signing the contract,” he said, despite signing on the first day of free agency. Choi is the first player in KBO history to surpass the 30 billion won ($30.2 million) mark in cumulative free agency.

Choi signed a four-year, 11 billion won ($11 million) free agent contract with SSG on June 6 to stay. He signed a contract with a signing bonus of 3 billion won and a total annual salary of 8 billion won, with 11 billion won fully guaranteed and no options. At 37 years old and entering the twilight of his career, it was a great deal.

Choi re-signed with SK in his first free agency in November 2014 for a then-record amount of 4.6 billion won ($8.6 million), and in December 2018, he stayed for 6.6 billion won ($10.6 million) in his second free agency, joining the “10 billion free agent” club. He then received the highest amount of 11 billion won for his third free agency, bringing his cumulative FA contract total to 30.2 billion won. He surpassed Doosan’s Yang Yang-ji (27.7 billion won) to take the top spot.

The signing process has been nothing short of spectacular.

This season, Choi was outstanding, batting .291 (136-for-468) with 37 home runs, 107 RBIs, a .384 on-base percentage, .594 slugging percentage, and a .978 OPS in 129 games, ranking third in home runs, fourth in slugging percentage, and fifth in OPS. Choi, who has a KBO career-high 495 home runs, hasn’t seen his production slow down as he enters his mid-30s.

Rumors of teams targeting Choi began to surface late in the season. While the authenticity of the rumors is unclear, Choi is a C-grade free agent, so it’s not something SSG would have taken lightly. A team that signs a C-grade free agent only has to compensate the original team 150% of the previous year’s salary. This year, Choi Jung’s salary was 1 billion won, so the team that wanted to take him only had to pay SSG 1.5 billion won to sign him without bleeding compensation.

Although there is a risk at 37 years old, Choi’s consistency was so great, and he was a free agent who could bring a definite power increase, so there was enough market demand. 카지노사이트 SSG fans were also uneasy. SSG fans were heartbroken last winter when outfielder Kim Kang-min, the ’23 One Club Man,’ left for the second round of the draft, and they couldn’t help but worry about what might happen. The team’s symbolism and potential to shake up the entire league made them even more worried.

SSG was no stranger to this kind of fan sentiment.

They went all out to retain the best players, preferably locking them into multi-year contracts before the free agency market opened. Early on, the two sides agreed on a contract worth more than 10 billion won, but Choi wanted it to be a free agent contract that would allow him to receive a signing bonus, which required him to go through the free agent application and disclosure process.

SSG then made an unusual ‘contract announcement’ on the deadline for free agency on the 4th. ‘We met with Choi Jung’s side and talked positively, and we will make a final announcement after signing on the 6th, when the free agency market opens,’ it said. If the news of Choi’s free agency application had been announced without such a notice, SSG fans might have become agitated. Considering this, SSG calmed the fans’ anxiety with the first-ever contract announcement.

After Choi Jung signed, SSG apologized to the fans first. “We would like to apologize to the fans who must have waited for a long time due to the long negotiation period,” the team said. It’s been a long time for fans who have been waiting for the latest news since before free agency opened. Choi, who checked the reactions of SSG fans through various channels during the negotiation period, expressed his gratitude and apologies for not finalizing the contract sooner.

With this contract,

Choi will spend his entire career with the Incheon team, which includes SK and SSG, until 2028, when he will be 41 years old. It is unknown if his career will continue beyond 2028, but Choi, who has booked a minimum of 24 years as a one-club man, said, “It’s the team I’ve been growing up with since I was a rookie, and it’s the team I’m most attached to. I’m glad the contract went well. I feel good. I will play hard for the team for the rest of my contract,” he said.

Choi concluded his message to the fans, saying, “I think the headaches in the off-season are over. Once again, I would like to apologize to the fans who must have waited a lot during the long negotiation period. I will work hard for the team and repay them with better results. We will do our best to win one more title in Munhwa before we go to Cheongna Dome,” he promised the Incheon fans. SSG will call Munhwa home for three more years before moving to Cheongna Dome, which is scheduled to open in 2028.


Short Track Kim Gil-li Passes 5th World Cup Qualifiers

Short Track Kim Gil-li Passes the 5th World Cup Qualifiers… Advance Towards Overall Victory

Park Ji-won, ranked 2nd in the men’s overall ranking, also cruised through the first and second 1,000m race preliminaries.

Kim Gil-li (Seongnam City Hall), who is ranked first in the short track women’s World Cup rankings,

easily passed the preliminaries in all events for the 5th World Cup competition and took one step closer to winning the overall championship.

Gilly Kim was the first to finish at the finish line with a score of 1 minute 32.659 seconds in Group 7 of the women’s 1,000m first race preliminary round of the 5th competition of the 2023-2024 International Skating Union (ISU) Short Track World Cup held in Dresden, Germany on the 10th (Korean time).

He broke through and advanced to the quarterfinals. 토토사이트 순위

In the second race of the women’s 1,000m, she took first place in group 4 of the preliminary round with a time of 1 minute 33.961 seconds and easily advanced to the quarterfinals.

In the women’s 3,000m relay, which she participated in with Shim Seok-hee (Seoul City Hall),

Park Ji-yoon (Seoul City Hall), and Park Ji-won (Jeonbuk Provincial Office),

she beat China (4 minutes 14.741 seconds) with a score of 4 minutes 14.652 seconds and took first place in Group 1 of the preliminary round. occupied.

Gilly Kim is ranked first in the World Cup rankings with 865 World Cup points until the 4th World Cup,

beating out Kristin Santos-Griswold of the United States (805 points).

This season’s World Cup series will conclude with the 5th competition and the 6th competition to be held in Gdansk, Poland from the 17th to the 19th of this month.

Park Ji-won (Seoul City Hall), who is ranked second in the men’s World Cup rankings,

also passed the preliminaries in all participating events with ease.

Park Ji-won took first place in group 3 of the first preliminary round of the men’s 1,000m race with a time of 1 minute 23.958 seconds,

then took first place again in group 5 of the second preliminary round with a time of 1 minute 25.164 seconds and advanced to the quarterfinals.

He also took first place in Group 5 in the men’s 1,000m second race preliminaries with a time of 1 minute, 23.23 seconds.

In Group 3 of the men’s 5,000m relay quarterfinals, where he competed with Seong-woo Jang (Korea University),

Tae-seong Kim (Dankook University), and Jeong-min Lee (Korea National Sport University),

he crossed the finish line in second place after Poland and advanced to the semifinals.

Ji-won Park, who took first place overall in the World Cup last season,

earned 681 World Cup points this season, trailing Canada’s Stephen Dubois (683 points) by just two points.

Dubois also easily passed the first and second men’s 1,000m races.


Park Hye-jung Win Asian Weightlifting Heavyweight Title

Park Hye-jung Wins the Asian Weightlifting Women’s Heavyweight Title… Younhaje also took First Place in the 87kg Class

‘Post Jang Mi-ran’ Park Hye-jeong (20, Goyang City Hall) started the 2024 season on a good note by becoming the Asian Weightlifting Championships champion.

Park Hye-jung lifted 128kg in snatch, 165kg in clean and jerk, and 293kg in total at the 2024 Asian Weightlifting Championships held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on the 9th in the women’s over 87kg competition, taking the top spot in all three categories.

In the Olympics and Asian Games, medals are awarded based solely on total records, but at the Asian Championships, medals are awarded in all three categories: snatch, clean and jerk, and total. 안전 슬롯사이트

Hyejung Park won all three of her gold medals.

Son Young-hee (30, Jeju Provincial Office) ranked second in all three categories with 127 kg in snatch, 160 kg in jerk and jerk, and 287 kg in total.

At the Hangzhou Asian Games in October last year, Park Hye-jung took first place and Son Young-hee took second place, and in the first match this year, Park Hye-jung won by decision.

In 2023, Park Hye-jung won the World Championships in September and the Asian Games in October.

Li Wenwen (23, China), the world’s strongest player in this weight class, suffered an injury during a match at last year’s world championships and did not participate in the Asian Games in October.

Since China did not participate in this Asian Championships, Li Wenwen did not stand on the platform.

Li Wen-Won is the strongest athlete holding world records for the women’s 87kg and above in the snatch (147kg), clean and jerk (186kg), and total (332kg).

There is a high possibility that Li Wen-won will participate in the Paris Olympics, so she cannot guarantee that Park Hye-jung will win the Paris Olympics gold medal.

However, Park Hye-jung has recently been at the top of all competitions in which Li Wen-wen did not participate, so her chances of winning a medal at the Paris Olympics are increasing.

Yoon Ha-je (24, Gimhae City Hall), who competed in the women’s 87kg class, took first place in total, lifting 100kg in snatch, 130kg in jerk and jerk, and 230kg in total.

Haje Youn placed second in the snatch, behind Nikora Subonova (18, Uzbekistan), who lifted 101kg, but she came in first in the clean and jerk, and she also won gold in the all-important total.

Suvonova’s total record was 229 kg (101 kg in snatch and 128 kg in jerk and jerk).

Haje Youn, the silver medalist at the Hangzhou Asian Games, won two gold medals and one silver medal on this day.


MLB Seoul Series Broadcast Live on Terrestrial Channels

Japan, MLB Seoul Series Broadcast Live on Terrestrial Channels… Ohtani’s Power is Amazing

Decision to broadcast live even practice games between Dodgers and Korean team

Japanese public broadcaster NHK and TV Asahi have decided to broadcast live on terrestrial channels the official opening game of the Major League Baseball (MLB),

the game between the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres,

to be held in Seoul next month. 카지노사이트 모음

In addition, TV Asahi will broadcast live practice games between the Dodgers and Kiwoom Heroes and the Dodgers and the Korean National Baseball Team,

in which superstar Shohei Ohtani can play.

Japanese media, including Sports Hochi, said on the 9th,

“The game between the Dodgers and San Diego on March 20 will be broadcast live by NHK, and the game on the 21st will be broadcast live by TV Asahi,” and “TV Asahi will broadcast a practice game between the Dodgers and the KBO League Kiwoom Heroes on the 17th and the 18th.

“We decided to broadcast live the practice game between the Dodgers and the Korean national baseball team,” he said.

Sports Hochi added, “It is unusual to broadcast a MLB practice game live.”

The Dodgers and San Diego will play their opening two-game series at Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul on March 20th and 21st.

The opening series is drawing great attention from Japanese fans as it is expected to be the regular league debut of ‘superstar’ Shohei Ohtani,

who joined the Dodgers in the new season, and Yoshinobu Yamamoto,

who set a new record for the highest salary for an MLB pitcher.

There are many Japanese stars inSan Diego as well.

Starting pitcher Yu Darubishu and recently Japanese bullpen bullpen Yuki Matsui have joined.

The top Japanese baseball stars will play a meaningful two-game series at Gocheok Dome in Seoul, close to Japan.

However, it is difficult for Japanese fans to watch in person.

This is because Coupang Play, which holds the broadcasting rights for the tournament,

only allows Coupang Play members with mobile phones activated by a domestic telecommunications company to reserve game tickets.

Booking a ticket is also like picking a star in the sky.

Tickets for the opening game sold on the 29th of last month were sold out within 8 minutes of going on sale.
