
‘포옛호’ 전북, 공식전 3연승 질주…태국 포트 꺾고 ACL2 8강 진출

전북 현대가 거스 포옛 감독 지휘 아래 공식전 3연승을 달렸다.

포옛 감독이 지휘하는 전북은 20일 전주월드컵경기장에서 열린 2024~25 아시아축구연맹(AFC) 챔피언스리그2(ACL2) 16강 2차전에서 포트FC(태국)를 1-0으로 눌렀다.

1, 2차전 합계 5-0으로 8강 티켓을 거머쥔 전북은 시드니FC(호주)와 준결승행을 두고 다툰다. 카지노사이트

지난해 12월 포옛 감독에게 지휘봉을 맡긴 전북은 올해 치른 3경기를 모두 승리로 장식하며 쾌조의 스타트를 끊었다. 파워볼사이트

지난 1차전에서 포트를 4-0으로 꺾은 전북은 이날 콤파뇨, 이승우, 송민규 등 주전 선수들에게 휴식을 줬다.

콤파뇨 대신 최전방에 선 장신 공격수 박재용은 경기 시작 5분 만에 포트 골문을 열었다.

포옛호는 이전 2경기에서 크로스에 이은 헤더 패턴으로 재미를 쏠쏠히 봤는데, 이번에는 코너킥 상황에서 올라온 볼을 박재용이 머리로 방향만 바꿔 포트 골망을 갈랐다. 슬롯사이트

전반을 0-1로 마친 전북은 후반에도 티아고가 1대1 상황을 놓치는 등 골 운이 따르지 않았다.

전북은 오는 23일 오후 4시 30분 광주FC와 하나은행 K리그1 2025 2라운드 홈 경기를 치른다. 파워볼사이트


Jeonbuk Clashes with Seoul in 33rd Round

The first Final B Since its Founding?… Jeonbuk Clashes with Seoul in 33rd Round, ‘Even a Draw is Dangerous’

If 7th place Jeonbuk loses to 5th place Seoul, it will be final B.

Key resources such as Baek Seung-ho, Song Min-gyu, and Park Jin-seop will face the burden of being called up for the Asian Games.

Is it 10 years of power?

A tradition that shines with the first 5 consecutive wins in professional soccer K-League 1 (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021) and the most 9 wins (2009, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021) ‘Powerhouse’ Jeonbuk Hyundai is at the final crossroads of falling to Final B (7th to 12th place) for the first time since its founding. 메이저사이트

7th place Jeonbuk (46 points) will go on an expedition in the 33rd round of Hana One Q K League 1 2023 against 5th place FC Seoul (47 points) at Seoul World Cup Stadium at 3pm on the 8th.

This round 33 is the final game that separates Final A (1st to 6th place teams) from Final B.

However, the battle for rankings among mid-tier teams to determine Final A is a close race until the end.

The 1st to 4th ranked teams, Ulsan Hyundai (66 points), Pohang Steelers (58 points), Gwangju FC (51 points), and Daegu FC (48 points),

have confirmed Final A, while 5th place Seoul and 6th place Incheon United (47 points),

three teams up to 7th place Jeonbuk will compete in the fateful 33rd round for the last two spots.

All six games of round 33 will kick off at 3 p.m. on the 8th.

Among the three teams currently ranked 5th to 7th,

the most unfavorable matchup is Incheon. Incheon meets Ulsan, the ‘absolute top’.

Incheon and Ulsan played the second leg of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Champions League group stage on the 3rd.

However, Incheon won a landslide victory (4-0) at home,

but Ulsan returned home after suffering a 0-1 defeat in Kawasaki, Japan, so Incheon has a good atmosphere.

In particular, Incheon is a team united with a strong survival instinct that becomes stronger in crisis situations.

I am confident that we were evenly matched against Ulsan this season with 1 win and 1 loss (0-1 loss, 2-1 win).

The game that fans are most interested in is the match between 5th place Seoul and 7th place Jeonbuk.

Jeonbuk will advance to Final B if it loses to Seoul in the 33rd round.

Even if Jeonbuk draws with Seoul, if Incheon secures a point against Ulsan, it will remain in Final B.

In addition, even if Incheon loses to Ulsan,

if Jeonbuk draws with Seoul without scoring, the points will be the same as Incheon,

but Final B will be confirmed due to losing the number of points.

Seoul is in a better situation than Jeonbuk as they can secure at least 6th place just by drawing.

In the end, the best way for Jeonbuk to prevent its first fall to Final B since its founding is to win the game against Seoul.

This season, Jeonbuk met Seoul twice and took the lead with 1 win and 1 draw (1-1 draw, 2-1 win).

The current situation in Jeonbuk is not very good.

Jeonbuk did not perform very well with 2 wins, 3 draws, and 3 losses in the 8 games played between August and September.

During the same period, Seoul was slightly ahead with 2 wins, 4 draws, and 2 losses.

Jeonbuk has to prepare for the Seoul game on the weekend after playing the second game of the ACL group stage away to Thailand on the 4th, and it is also burdensome that key offensive and defensive resources such as Baek Seung-ho, Song Min-gyu, and Park Jin-seop were called up to the Hangzhou Asian Games.

In order to reduce the movement of the players, Jeonbuk decided to stay in Incheon and prepare for the Seoul game rather than returning to Jeonju upon returning home.