Casino News

미셸 그루투이젠: KOA 변경으로 네덜란드 도박의 채널화율 95% 유지해야 합니다

네덜란드 갬블링 당국인 KSA(네덜란드 갬블링 협회)의 미셸 그루투이젠 회장은 2024년 네덜란드 갬블링 시장의 가을 보고서 및 시장 조사 결과에 대해 답변했습니다.

보고서에 따르면 라이선스 사업자들의 우려에도 불구하고 네덜란드 도박 시장은 계속 성장하고 있는 것으로 나타났습니다. 2023년 게임 총수입(GGR)은 33억 유로에서 40억 유로로 증가했습니다.

관리 기관인 KSA는 2021년 10월부터 네덜란드에서 온라인 도박을 규제하고 있는 원격 도박법(KOA)의 새로운 개정 및 보호 조치로 인한 시장 변화를 면밀히 모니터링하고 있습니다.

그루투이젠은 “네덜란드는 도박을 하고 싶은 사람이 복권, 모퉁이 아케이드, 컴퓨터 뒤 등 어디서든 안전하게 도박을 할 수 있도록 도박 시장을 규제하고 있습니다.”라고 분명히 밝혔습니다.

이 보고서는 몇 가지 긍정적인 추세를 강조했습니다. 네덜란드의 지상 기반 도박은 코로나19 이전 수준으로 회복되었습니다. 또한, KOA 시장은 플레이어의 95%가 합법적인 제공업체를 이용하면서 초기 채널화 목표를 초과 달성하는 등 기대치를 뛰어넘는 성과를 거두었습니다.

그러나 그루투이젠은 네덜란드 갬블링에 대한 전망이 정치적 압력과 비즈니스 현실 사이에서 여전히 엇갈리고 있음을 인정했습니다. 그는 “최근 몇 달간 도박 관련 뉴스를 접한 사람이라면 누구나 규제 대상인 이 시장이 압박을 받고 있다는 인상을 받았을 것”이라고 말했습니다.

그는 큰 손실에 대한 이야기 때문에 규제가 더 엄격해졌다고 설명했습니다. 도박 제공업체들은 이러한 엄격한 규제가 사람들을 불법 운영업체로 이끌고 있다고 주장합니다. 그루투이젠은 “새 정부는 도박세를 인상하고 있으며, 슈프 총리가 직접 말했듯이 ‘도박을 억제’하기를 원합니다.”라고 덧붙였습니다.

정치적 반발과 새로운 규제는 라이선스 사업자와 KOA 시장에 불확실성을 야기하고 있습니다. 그루투이젠은 정부가 향후 규제, 특히 광고 금지와 같은 규제를 신중하게 관리하여 KOA 시장의 95% 채널화율을 보호해야 한다고 지적했습니다. 그는 “한동안 정치적으로 논의되어 온 광고 전면 금지는 이에 상당한 해를 끼칠 수 있다”고 경고했습니다.

그는 유사한 광고 금지 조치로 인해 합법 도박이 급격히 감소하고 최대 절반의 플레이어가 불법 시장으로 전환한 이웃 국가들을 언급했습니다. 이러한 변화는 규제되지 않은 플랫폼이 소비자를 보호하지 않고 세금이나 안전 조치를 통해 네덜란드 경제에 기여하지 않기 때문에 심각한 위험을 초래합니다.

그루투이젠은 “더 엄격한 규제는 의도치 않게 더 많은 플레이어를 과도한 도박으로부터 플레이어를 보호하는 데 관심이 없는 불법 운영자에게로 몰아갈 수 있다”고 위험성을 강조했습니다.

도박세 인상은 도박을 억제하기 위한 것이지만 의도하지 않은 결과를 초래할 수 있습니다. 그루투이젠은 “규제가 엄격해질수록 더 많은 플레이어가 불법 시장으로 눈을 돌릴 수 있다”고 우려합니다. 불법 운영자를 이용하는 플레이어는 더 높은 재정적 위험에 직면하고 규제된 도박에 따른 소비자 보호 혜택을 받지 못합니다. 카지노사이트

Casino News

사이트비, 브랜드 리브랜딩 후 QMRA 규정 준수 강화

Sitebee는 규정 준수 플랫폼을 강화하기 위해 품질 마크 책임 제휴사(QMRA)와 파트너십을 맺었습니다.

법률 전문 지식과 실시간 규제 인사이트를 통합하여 다양한 관할권의 복잡한 규제 프레임워크를 ‘탐색’할 수 있도록 시기적절한 업데이트와 맞춤형 정보를 제공함으로써 게임 운영자를 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Sitebee의 책임자인 라스무스 뱅크 닐슨은 다음과 같이 말합니다: “QMRA의 광범위한 법률 지식을 통합함으로써 Sitebee는 고객에게 최신 규제 인사이트를 제공하여 매우 역동적인 시장에서 자신 있게 운영할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

“이 파트너십은 운영자가 사업을 운영하는 모든 지역에서 위험을 관리하고 규정 준수를 유지하는 데 필요한 명확성과 선견지명을 제공합니다.”

젠투 미디어는 이번 주에 GiG Comply 플랫폼의 리브랜딩을 Sitebee로 발표했습니다.

이 SaaS 규정 준수 자동화 및 브랜드 보호 솔루션은 GiG Comply의 성공을 바탕으로 규정 준수에 더욱 중점을 둔 미래 지향적인 설계를 구축하겠다는 의도를 밝혔습니다. 바카라사이트

새로운 파트너십을 통해 Sitebee는 QMRA의 법률 규정에 대한 이해를 활용하여 운영자에게 규정 준수를 더 잘 관리하고 위반 위험을 줄일 수 있는 도구를 제공할 수 있게 되었습니다.

이제 QMRA의 법률 인사이트가 지원되는 Sitebee의 플랫폼은 여러 지역의 변화하는 규제 요건에 대한 정보를 운영자에게 제공하는 데 중점을 둘 것입니다.

“Sitebee와의 협력으로 신뢰할 수 있는 최신 규정 준수 인사이트를 제공할 수 있는 역량이 강화되었습니다.”라고 QMRA의 스티븐 브롤리크 이사는 덧붙였습니다.

“Sitebee의 강력한 규정 준수 인프라와 당사의 법률 전문성을 결합함으로써 운영자는 복잡한 규정을 자신 있게 탐색하고 핵심 비즈니스에 집중할 수 있습니다.”


Macau casinos boost max bets to boost returns

Minimum floor bets for casino table games in Macau are typically between HK$1,000 and HK$5,000 even during current non-adult times, three casino executives have separately confirmed to GGRAsia. The survey comes after GGRAsia observed minimum floor numbers for both weekends and weekdays at the Macau Peninsula casino in the four weeks to June 7.

A few years ago, tables with such a high minimum bet might have been designated as “premium mass,” but that is no longer the case. From our observations, the lowest minimum bet in the “mass” layer on the Korean Peninsula is now typically HK$500, even during non-peak hours. Even then, according to GGRAsia’s observations, only a few tables are available for that price. The era of the Hong Kong dollar table seems to be over – for now. 카지노사이트

“I don’t think you’ll find a traditional live table in any of the big casinos on the peninsula for bets of at least HK$300 a day,” A, an executive at a major downtown casino, told us on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to comment on the record.

According to three industry sources, the reason is that operators are increasingly focused on managing bulk market table returns by player segmentation. The idea is to increase the number of game results per hour, facilitate max bets by increasing flexibility on maximum payments per table per game, and ultimately increase table returns and smooth bakara retention volatility.

Casino News

Macau Confirms US$22.5 Million In Counterfeit Union Pay Deal

Portugal’s news agency Rusa, citing Macau police sources, reported that transactions using unregistered China Union Pay terminals reached 180 million MOPs ($202.5 million) in Macau from January to mid-May.

Rusa said police identified 41 suspects who made illegal transactions, all from mainland China. They have investigated 19 cases since the beginning of this year.

According to Macau law enforcement police, traders who legally use the China UnionPay Limited system for transactions in Macau must pay the parties up to a maximum fee of 1.4 percent of the transaction amount. UnionPay International Limited, a subsidiary that focuses on transactions outside the borders of the People’s Republic of China, including Macau and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, receives 0.2 percent of that fee.

UnionPay International missed $360,000 in transaction fees for transactions allegedly made at unregistered terminals in Macau between January and mid-May, police told Rusa.

According to media reports, Macau’s Union Pay sales totaled $22.5 billion last year.

Macau authorities and China’s UnionPay are reportedly cracking down on the old system in Macau, but official sources have not confirmed it. Using unregistered terminals in the process is considered the most egregious example of avoiding strict cross-border funding controls in mainland China.

The Macau Monetary Authority has urged Macau banks to tighten supervision over UnionPay transactions. The financial regulator has also ordered jewellers and pawnbrokers operating in casinos to remove UnionPay card terminals. Media reports have not confirmed a deadline but have referred to a July 1 deadline.

Visitors to the mainland can only take 20,000 yuan ($3,211) out of mainland China in cash per day. Gamblers, however, get over this by regularly using their UnionPay cards to purchase items at pawn shops or jewelry stores in Macau and return them immediately in cash. This is a non-illegal transaction. 파워볼사이트

Authorities are now more focused on cracking down on unregistered portable UnionPay handsets. The devices are registered in mainland China and illegally smuggled into Macau, allowing payments to be recorded as domestic transactions within China, and thus incurring lower fees.


Tottenham manager’s physical condition suddenly changes. He doesn’t know when to return

British media Evening Standard reported on the 30th (Korea time) that “Coach Enze Postecoglou delivered the news on Son Heung-min’s injury situation after winning an away match against Manchester United.”

According to the media, Postecoglou said, “Suddenly, Son Heung-min has changed since Thursday night. He was not fit to play against Manchester United. That’s why I played without Son Heung-min,” adding, “It’s a big blow to Tottenham. However, while I was here, I experienced many things where key players were missing. We need to learn how to deal with the situation without Son Heung-min.”

“It remains to be seen whether he will be able to return to the next two games or not. I will go back to London and evaluate. The situation is rapidly turning around, but we need to see how his physical condition is,” he said, adding that the timing of his return is still undecided.

Tottenham won a 3-0 away match against Manchester United in the sixth round of the English Premier League (EPL) in the 2024-25 season at Old Trafford, located in Manchester, England, on the 30th.

Tottenham now has three wins, one draw and two losses (10 points) to move to eighth place, beating Brighton and Nottingham. Manchester United had two wins, one draw and three losses (7 points) to fall to 12th place behind Brentford.

Son Heung-min was excluded from the list for the first time in about a year and 10 months since November 2022. Son Heung-min was replaced by a hamstring injury in the first UEFA Europa League match against Karabakh (Azerbaijan), the previous match, and was eventually completely excluded from the list against Manchester United.

Contrary to concerns, Tottenham went ahead in the third minute of the first half, scoring the first goal with the fantastic teamwork of Mickey Panderpen and Brennan Johnson.

In the 42nd minute of the first half, Manchester United’s Bruno Fernandes received a red card, adding to the numerical advantage, Tottenham won a 3-0 victory with Dejan Kloopszewski’s additional goal in the 3rd minute of the second half and Dominic Solanke’s net goal in the 32nd minute of the second half. 메이저사이트

Meanwhile, Son, who played in the entire match against Manchester United, has been selected as a member of the national soccer team led by Coach Hong Myung-bo for the third Asian qualifying round for the 2026 North-China World Cup against Jordan and Iraq. However, if he fails to return to the match against Ferencvaros and Brighton, he will not be able to play in the World Cup qualifying round.

Casino News

Multimedia Games’ shareholders nod takeover by GCA

Multimedia Games Holding Company Inc announced on Wednesday that its shareholders have overwhelmingly approved the merger with Las Vegas-based Global Cash Access Holdings Inc (GCA).

GCA, which supplies cash processing technology and related services to the gaming industry, announced in September it was acquiring Multimedia Games for US$1.2 billion in cash.

Multimedia Games makes and supplies systems, content and electronic gaming units for Native American and commercial casinos. The firm also supplies the central determinant system for the video lottery terminals installed at racetracks in the U.S. state of New York.

“More than 99 percent of the votes represented and cast at the meeting, or approximately 87 percent of the total outstanding shares of common stock eligible to vote as of the October 21, 2014 record date, were voted in favour of the adoption of the merger agreement,” Multimedia Games said in a statement.

Shareholders also approved the non-binding advisory proposal regarding merger-related named executive officer compensation “with a vote of approximately 90 percent of the votes represented and cast at the meeting”.

Upon the closing of the transaction, Multimedia Games shareholders will be entitled to receive US$36.50 in cash, without interest, for each share of Multimedia Games common stock owned at the time of the transaction’s closing. That is a 31 percent premium to the closing stock price as of September 5. 바카라사이트

The merger is still expected to be completed later this month, the firm said in Wednesday’s statement.

The combined company’s headquarters will remain in Las Vegas and its game development operations will be based in Austin, Texas, where Multimedia Games has its headquarters, New York-listed GCA said in previous filings.


Melco International now majority owner of EGT

Hong Kong-listed Melco International Development Ltd has subscribed to 26,062,294 new shares of common stock in Entertainment Gaming Asia Inc (EGT).

EGT operates slot machines on a participation basis and also supplies gaming chips and plaques to casinos in Asia. It currently operates one property in northwestern Cambodia in the province of Banteay Meanchey, called Dreamworld Club Poipet (pictured).

Melco International paid more than US$14 million for its subscription to new shares in EGT, via an entity called EGT Entertainment Holding Ltd, which was already EGT’s largest stockholder.

Nasdaq-listed EGT on Monday said it has successfully completed its share sale, raising gross proceeds of about US$15 million. The company sold 27,777,673 shares of its common stock, representing 100 percent of the shares offered in the rights offering, at the US$0.54 per share offer price.

Upon completion of the rights issue, Melco International’s subsidiary owns 37,512,294 shares of common stock in EGT, representing 64.81 percent of the outstanding shares of common stock of EGT’s enlarged capital.

“Accordingly, EGT has become a subsidiary of the company from completion of the EGT rights issue,” Melco International said in a filing on Tuesday.

Melco International, chaired by Lawrence Ho Yau Lung, is one of the two controlling shareholders of casino operator Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd. The other is Australia’s Crown Resorts Ltd.

“We are pleased to announce the completion of a successful rights offering and thank all those participating stockholders, particularly Melco [International] whose support has been instrumental in this process,” said EGT’s chairman and chief executive Clarence Chung Yuk Man.

“This offer is an important step in our plan to improve our capital resources and liquidity as we seek to secure meaningful new gaming projects in our target markets,” Mr Chung added.

EGT plans to use the proceeds to fund additional casinos and gaming clubs and expand its slot participation operations in Asia, the firm said in previous filings.

Last month, EGT reported a net loss of US$261,000 for the three months ended September 30, an improvement from the US$309,000 loss posted a year earlier. 카지노사이트

EGT’s stock rose 7.55 percent on Monday trading in New York, to close at US$0.57 per unit. The firm has until April 13, 2015 to regain compliance with the minimum US$1.0 bid price per share listing requirement.

Casino News

China Vanguard to complete share split by end-Jan

China Vanguard Group Ltd, a company providing lottery-related services to the mainland China market, announced this week it expects to complete a share sub-division exercise by January 27.

In an earlier filing to Hong Kong’s Growth Enterprise Market on November 6, the firm proposed that its existing and unissued shares of share capital denominated at HKD0.050 (US$ 0.0064) per unit should be subdivided by four, with each unit worth HKD0.0125.

The company said the exercise would “result in downward adjustment to the trading price ”. 슬롯사이트

China Vanguard’s shares closed on Friday down 1.96 percent at HKD3.50 each.

On November 13 the company reported revenue of HKD19.9 million (US$2.6 million) for the third quarter of 2014, up 63.2 percent from the prior year period.

Sports News

Volleyball Empress is back. Attack success rate is 52%

Heungkuk Life Insurance won its first match against Japan’s Aranmare in the women’s Group B preliminary match of the 2024 Tongyeong-Dodram Cup professional volleyball tournament at Tongyeong Gymnasium on the 30th with a complete victory of 3-0 (25-19, 25-18, 25-19).

Heungkuk Life Insurance, which newly selected foreign Apogit Tutku (1m91) as a partner of Kim Yeon-kyung (1m92) to win the championship, and filled the middle blocker gap caused by Lee Ju-ah’s transfer to FA with a tall Asian quarter Louis-Ray of 1m97, showed aggressive team colors through various attack routes.

Kim Yeon-koung and Tutku’s double guns were threatening. Not only in the avant-garde but also in the rear attack, he showed good attack.

Kim scored 17 points with 52 percent attack rate including two back-attacks, while Tutku also added six back-attacks to score 18 points. Rookie Jung Yoon-ju also added eight points. Middle blocker lines of Kim Soo-ji (4 points) and Louie-rey (5 points) also added points, transforming Heungkuk Life into a team equipped with various attack lines where all the main players play offense.

Blocking was powerful as a tall team. Tutck scored four, Kim Yeon-koung and Louis-Ray two each, and Lee Go-eun one, recording a total of nine blocks.

In the beginning of the first set, Aranmare displayed pace. “I couldn’t tell the full strength of Aranmare. I was worried about the fact that I was not familiar with the opponent team,” said Avondaji, the coach of Heungkuk Life Insurance, before the match. He lost points in succession due to various attacks including Kimura, a short outside heater with a height of 1m69, and Apojit Vissenko, a tall player with a height of 1m92.

Setter Lee Go-eun and the strikers did not seem to have a good chemistry, either. However, attacks by Kim Yeon-koung and Tutku began to erupt, leaning toward Heungkuk Life. At 13-13, Jung Yun-ju’s spike, Tutku’s back attack, and Aranmare’s failed video reading during the rally, immediately widening the gap to 16-13.

Heungkuk Life, which had a rich attack with Louis-Ray and Kim Soo-ji’s quick attacks, continued to lead and finished the first set 25-19.

In the second set, Heungkuk Life took the lead from the beginning. Heungkuk Life easily widened the gap by making a spike due to Heungkuk Life’s high wall that added Tutku and Louis-Ray Kim Yeon-koung and Kim Soo-ji (1m88). It was doubtful whether the second set could end easily as Heungkuk Life took the lead 18-11 due to Don Phon’s unforced errors.

However, Aranmare chased Don Phon’s attack with Heungkuk Life’s mistakes, approaching 17-21, four points. However, Tutck and Jung Yoon-joo scored one point each by successfully scoring a spike, Tutku blocked Kimura’s attack and reached the set point at once 24-18 and finished with Jung Yoon-joo’s spike.

Heungkuk Life was in pace in the third set as well. Aranmare had no choice but to be conscious of Heungkuk Life’s barrier and couldn’t find a solution. Heungkuk Life, which was chased down to three points by 13-10, led 18-11 at once with Kim Yeon-koung’s back attack, Kim Su-ji’s serve ace, Tutku’s spike and Louis Ray’s fastball, virtually determining the winner of the third set. 토토사이트

Aranmare worked hard with Vissenko scoring 16 points and Don Phon scoring 12 points, but Heungkuk Life was not an easy opponent.